Company Information & Governance

Poetry Ireland is a company limited by guarantee not having a share capital, registered in Dublin, Ireland, with registered company number 170768.  

Poetry Ireland is also a charity with CHY No. 10231.  

The registered trading office of Poetry Ireland is 11 Parnell Square East, Dublin 1. 


Poetry Ireland is committed to good governance and complies with the regulatory requirements of the Governance Code.  
Poetry Ireland’s annual financial statements are produced in accordance with the Statement of Recommended Practice for charities and not-for-profit entities as developed in the UK in 2005 (SORP) which is accepted as best practice in Ireland. The organisation keeps detailed financial records, maintains strict financial controls and is transparent in its audited financial statements, making them available publicly on an annual basis. Senior staff renumeration is listed in the financial statements annually.  

You can view financial statements on our About Us page.

We are committed to complying with the Principles of Good Fundraising.  

We operate in accordance with our Memorandum and Articles of Association.

Board Members

Information on our board members can be viewed here.

Diversity and Inclusion at Poetry Ireland

Poetry Ireland is working to increase the diversity of voices in its programmes and publications, and we published our first Inclusion & Diversity Strategy in 2023. We want to hear from poets belonging to underrepresented or misrepresented groups who are interested in becoming involved in our advisory group. To get involved please contact Poetry Ireland at