Contact Us
Email address and phone numbers for individual staff members are listed below. For general enquiries about Irish poetry, please email and we'll direct your email to the best person to answer it.
The best way to contact us is to send an email to the relevant staff member.
Our Staff
- Liz Kelly
- T + 353 1 678 9815
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Contact Liz with queries about programming and organisational policy, and the management of relationships with national and international partners. You can also contact Liz about the development of the Poetry Ireland Centre.
Operations Manager
- Barry Lennon
- T + 353 1 678 9815
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Contact Barry about Poetry Ireland operations, programming and partnerships.
Marketing and Communications Manager
- Mary McGraw
- T +353 1 678 9815
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Contact Mary about any marketing and communications queries.
Writers in Schools Development Officer
- Anna Bonner
- T + 353 1 678 9022
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Contact Anna about Writers in Schools single visits, Writers in Schools Northern Ireland, or if you are a writer interested in finding out about applying for inclusion on the Writers in Schools Directory.
Development Education Officer
- Moira Cardiff
- T +353 1 678 9815
- .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Contact Moira about Poetry Ireland’s Writers in Residence Scheme, Development Education Projects with WorldWise Global Schools, Concern and Trócaire, and the Poetry Aloud poetry speaking competition.
Publications Manager
- Paul Lenehan
- T +353 1 678 9815
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Contact Paul if you have a question about Poetry Ireland’s regular publications (Poetry Ireland Review, Trumpet) and one-off publications, or if you need general information about writing, reading or publishing poetry.
Publications Assistant
- Megan Johnson
- T +353 1 678 9815
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Education Officer
- Jane O'Hanlon
- T +353 1 678 9815
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