The capacity to love poetry begins at an early age. Our commitment to connecting people and poetry starts with children and young people, and continues through to adulthood.

Writers in Schools
Part-funded visits by writers and storytellers to schools in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland

Writers in Residence
Part-funded short residencies by writers and storytellers in schools in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Directory of Writers
Search our database for writers and storytellers available to visit your school.

Information for Writers - WIS
Criteria and application process for writers regarding the Writers in Schools Scheme.

Poetry Aloud
An annual poetry speaking competition for post-primary schools, organised in partnership with the National Library of Ireland - now open for entries.

Resources for Teachers
Classroom resources and lesson ideas for teachers.

Poems & stories by young people
Have a read of some of the excellent work produced by students during Writers in Schools sessions.

Irish Poetry Reading Archive
A digital library of Irish poets reading their own work.

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policies, Risk Assessment & DÓCHAS Code of Conduct
Poetry Ireland is committed to a child-centred approach to our work with children and young people.

Fee and Conditions Guidelines for Digital Events with Children
Duais Bashō Haiku Poetry Competition for Post-Primary Schools
Compose a haiku in the English or Irish language or a hybrid | SPRIOC: Dé Luain, 18 Deireadh Fómhair 2024