Brianóg Brady Dawson

Children's Writer
Reading and Q&A, Discussion with Writer, Creative Writing Workshop
Age Group
5 - 6, 7 - 10
Works in English ONLY
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Mornings, Afternoons

Publications/Repertoire/Productions & Background Experience

I am author of the 9 titles in the PANDA series (O Brien Press), featuring the irrepressibly-naughty DANNY BROWN. I enjoy visiting schools / libraries and meeting with similar characters.

I am a retired Deputy Principal of a Primary School and am very familiar with oral, reading and writing curricular objectives for literacy.  In terms of children’s creativity and motivation, I have seen, both as a teacher and as an author, the tremendous value of a visiting author.

Session Details

  • Groups of up to 2 same-level classes.
  • 30-45mins.
  • Classroom / school library setting

It is not necessary for the children to be overly-familiar with my books, although some knowledge of the character of Danny can make sessions an exciting prospect for them.

Sessions are fun and involve character discussion, reading and role-play. If appropriate, they can also involve story-construction from a ‘prop’ and a demonstration of ‘How a Book comes about’.

Age Group Details

My books are suitable for read-aloud to younger children, and for early-independent readers i.e. generally Infants to 2nd Class.

In addition, 2nd/3rd Class pupils respond to exploration of the process of writing a book ‘How a Book comes about’.

Availability Details

I am generally available Mon-Fri for school visits and I can include Sat. for Library visits.

C/o Poetry Ireland 01-6789022
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