Carmen Cullen
- County
- Wicklow
- Genre
- Novelist, Children's Writer
- Sessions
- Reading and Q&A, Discussion with Writer, Master Class
- Age Group
- 5 - 6, 7 - 10, 11-15, 16 - 18
- Level
- Primary, Post Primary
- Languages
- Works in English ONLY
- Availability
- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Mornings, Afternoons - Travel
- Yes
Publications/Repertoire/Productions & Background Experience
Stray Child and other poems (Meadowsweet Press 1994)Class Acts, Drama for Schools, with plays and workshop material (Folen's Educational 1998), Sky of Kites, Poetry for Children (Kestrel Books, 1998)
Under the Eye of the Moon, Poetry for Children, (Mercier Press, 2001)Megahits: anthology of poetry (Editor) 1990-1995 Bray Children’s Poetry (Editor) 1998-2004
Individual poems published in many Irish and English well known anthologies, poetry magazines & newspapers.
Second-level teacher for over twenty years and head of English in Coláiste Dhúlaigh Coolock, CDVEC. Director of the Oscar Wilde Autumn School, Bray in 1999 and held the position until 2003 Now a full-time writer. Taking M.Phil in Creative writing in Trinity College Dublin 2007-2008.
2003-2007 First Novel: Heaven’s Above! Currently being sent out to Publishers by The Book Bureau Literary Agency (Writers’ and Artists’ Yearbook 2007)
Email: From January 2007, Researching and writing Second Novel: Two Sisters Singing
Writer in Residence with Wicklow Arts Office, Dun Laoghaire Arts Office and Poetry Ireland all working with primary level students. Can do storytelling with young children, 4-7 on a limited basis and readings creative writing workshops with all levels, children and adults. Have worked as a judge for children’s and adult poetry and short story competitions for literary festivals and performed readings children and workshops with from New York to my home town. Very experienced with working with young people and now undertaking study to be able to extend this facility into more advanced and more adult contexts.
Performed in festivals and in schools all over Ireland and abroad. More details available from writer.
Story telling: max 20 children. Readings and questions and answers, max 50 participants. Time one hour. Readings and Creative writing workshops: Max. 20. Time per session one and half hours.
View Sample of Work
Age Group Details
Story telling: 4-7 max. 30 mins. Readings and Creative writing: all age groups including adults for single sessions or residency.
Availability Details
Very limited availability 2007-2008
- Telephone
- (01)286 4943/ (086) 888 2014
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