Edward Denniston

Poet, Dramatist
Reading and Q&A, Creative Writing Workshop, Drama Workshop
Age Group
11-15, 16 - 18
Post Primary
Works in English ONLY
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Mornings, Afternoons

Publications/Repertoire/Productions & Background Experience

My publications are: The Point of Singing (Abbey Press, 1999), Interacting (Russell House UK, 2007), a book of short drama scripts for dramatic exploration and experimentation; Eskimo Advice – an ebook of poems (Hayrake & Rectory Press, 2007) , The Scale of Things (Salmon Poetry, 2013) and For Crying Out Loud  (Salmon Poetry, 2017). I’ve published in various journals and a number of my poems have been translated into French.

I’m a retired teacher of English and Drama. I've been doing poetry readings for quite a while and have done creative writing workshops for both adults and school children.  I'm very drawn to the place where dramatic performance and physical movement might fuel creative writing, particularly the writing of poems. Website: www.edwarddenniston.com Or edwarddenniston.weebly.com

Session Details

For own work: up to 25-30.  For drama workshops: 15 max. For writing workshops: up to 15. For workshops with individual feedback sessions: 10maxFor own work: up to 25-30 For drama workshops: 15 max For writing workshops: 25-30 For workshops with individual feedback sessions: 15 max

Age Group Details

I prefer post primary but have worked with the older range of primary school, for both writing and drama workshops.

051 855506/ 087 2713517
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edwarddenniston.weebly.com OR edwarddenniston.com