Paula Leyden

Novelist, Children's Writer
Reading and Q&A, Discussion with Writer, Creative Writing Workshop
Age Group
7 - 10, 11-15, 16 - 18
Primary, Post Primary
Works in English ONLY
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Mornings, Afternoons

Publications/Repertoire/Productions & Background Experience

First book published is The Butterfly Heart (published by Walker Books UK, endorsed by Amnesty International and shortlisted for the CBI Book of the Year Award in 2012. Sequel to this is due out in May 2013. Represented by Sophie Hicks of the Ed Victor agency in London.

Session Details

Visits would depend on whether the classes had read the book or not. I find if they have read the book what they are looking for is a Q and A and I am more than happy to do this. If there is more time I can do some role plays which they will act out in front of the class – getting them to do various scenarios as characters from the book. If they have not read the book then there are a variety of options: doing a reading of the book leading to a discussion, doing a small writing workshop, working on a round robin story, doing a first line exercise or similar. Given that the book is set in Zambia , Africa I find that even when they have not read the book the children have a lot of questions.

Age Group Details

I prefer from Fourth Class upwards – can extend this into First and Second year as well. Below Fourth Class some of the issues raised in the book might be difficult to deal with.

Availability Details

I work from home so my times are flexible, and travel is not a problem.

087 294 4183
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