Pauline Devine
- County
- Dublin
- Genre
- Novelist, Children's Writer
- Sessions
- Reading and Q&A, Creative Writing Workshop
- Age Group
- 5 - 6, 7 - 10, 11-15, 16 - 18
- Level
- Primary, Post Primary
- Languages
- Works in English & Irish
- Availability
- Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Mornings, Afternoons - Travel
- Yes
Publications/Repertoire/Productions & Background Experience
Also a poet & short-story writer.
My books for children include The Hungry Horse (Children’s Press, 2002) for younger first readers (6-8 year olds) about the fairytale land of In-Between … Doolin, a magnificent racehorse who has never been beaten until a sinister witch puts a spell on him, a boy called Peaky whose friends are the animals of field and forest, and Princess Pom Pom who is as clever as she is beautiful. Coiscéim published An Capall Ocrach in 2015.
The novel, Best Friends (8-11 years) published in 1993 was translated into Norwegian and Swedish. It is about Sarah who gets what she most wants in life – a pony- and hopes it will win her new friends.
In Best Friends Again (1999) Sarah discovers she has an older sister she was never told about and what that means for herself and those she cares about.
Riders By The Grey Lake (Children’s Press, 1996) is a novel about pony kids Eithne and Mandy whose main interest is winning for their school team and who have little time for green issues until a mining company drills holes into their Granny’s mountain farm and Eithne sees a boy emerging from the lake on a mysterious white horse. Forces are at work that both attract and threaten ( 9-12 years ). My first book King Longbeard (O’Brien Press 1977) for children was televised on RTE.
MAMÓ AGUS AN PEILEADÓIR (Coiscéim 2011). Seo é mo céad leabhar i nGaeilge. Léaráidí le Eithne Ní Dhúgáin. Tá Ciara ag dul ar saoire lena seanmháthair agus a máthair, ach b'fhearr léi féin a bheith ag imirt peile. Ach buaileann sí le cairde nua ar an oileán, agus bíonn an-sport acu le chéile. Cailleann sí liathróid bhreá a dearthár, áfach, agus tá brón an domhain uirthi.
Tagann a mamó i gcabhair uirthi, mar tá aithne aici ar dhaoine an-spéisiúla. Ní raibh súil ag Ciara leis, ach tuigeann sí go bhruil rudaí le foghlaim aici óna mamó. (Coiscéim, 2011.)
As Writer-in-Residence at University College Hospitals Galway I edited and contributed to publications Cat’s Cradle (2005) and Cat’s Cradle: a Deeper Shade of Green (2006).
I formerly worked as a journalist and teacher of English in post- primary schools in Ireland and Australia and have also taught at primary level here and there. I have contributed many short stories to magazines. As well as writing, I’m involved in facilitating at creative writing classes for both adults and children. I also enjoy working with intergenerational groupings of adults and children. My most recently I have edited and compiled the anthology Stone on the Pier: A Collection of Memoirs and Stories from Donard, funded by Wicklow Co Council.
Session Details
In my Reading / Q & A sessions, group size is not a problem. For creative writing workshops and storytelling I prefer smaller groups, of say, not more than12. I also do classes with participants who have completed some of their own work.
Age Group Details
I work with all age groups. Perhaps the preferred age range would be 4 – 18years old. And when working with children and teenagers, it is preferable that members partaking in each workshop are about the same age.
- Telephone
- C/o Poetry Ireland (01) 678 9022
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