Financial Information for Republic of Ireland
- Writer fee: €150 per residency session
- Funded by three-way partnership between the school, Poetry Ireland and another local funding agency. The cost to the school is 33% of overall cost of the residency. Possible funders include the local Arts Office, Údarás na Gaeltachta etc.
- Third party funding must be in place prior to the commencement of the residency.
- No residency will be funded unless it has been applied for and approved. The school and writer will receive written confirmation and evaluation forms as notification of approval of funding.
- Visits cannot be funded retrospectively.
- The school does not pay the writer directly.
- The cheque for the school’s portion and the third partner’s portion of the writer’s fee should be sent to the Writers in Schools office, with the school evaluation form, within one week of the date of the visit.
- Cheques should be made payable to the Writers in Schools Scheme.
- The writer will then be paid their full fee and travel expenses by Writers in Schools.