Writers’ Courses

The following is a list of organisations which regularly provide writers’ courses and workshops. Local libraries and County Council Arts Officers will also have information on creative writing classes and writers' groups in your area.


The Irish Writers' Centre
19 Parnell Square, Dublin 1 
Run a regular series of writing courses in poetry, fiction, writing for film and television etc.
T: +353 (0)8721302

Creative Writing Ink
77 Lower Camden Street
St Kevin’s, Dublin 2
D02 XE80
Offers class-based creative writing workshops, online creative writing courses and a manuscript critique and editing service. 
T: +353 87 2028310
E: info@creativewriting.ie

The Memoir Writing Club - Online Courses
Irene Graham offers a 12 week online course in memoir writing, a six month memoir writing masterclass, and memoir writing workshops and retreats in Ireland.

Offering a variety of therapeutic writing exercises, courses and live workshops, and a friendly bunch of people. The community includes health workers, musicians, furloughed people, retail and hospitality workers, many of whom have never written before.

The Poetry School, London
Poetry School activities take place in London, Exeter, Manchester and York, by post and online, and in many other UK and international locations.
T: +020 8223 0401 / +020 8985 0090 
E: programme@poetryschool.com 

The Arvon Foundation, England
Residential creative writing courses covering many genres, including poetry, fiction, stage drama, and writing for TV and radio.

The Garsdale Retreat
Clough View, Garsdale Head, Sedbergh, Cumbria LA10 5PW
The Garsdale Retreat runs a serious of short courses with leading writers as tutors and guest readers in poetry, musical theatre, fiction, and performance poetry.
T: +44 (0)1539 234184
E: info@thegarsdaleretreat.co.uk

M.A. / M Phil in Creative Writing

Dublin City University
The DCU MA in Creative Writing offers intensive, hands-on courses in the writing of poetry, drama, screenwriting and prose, as well as tailored courses in critical reading and creative practice. This exciting course offers an opportunity for early-career and emerging writers to spend a year working with professional poets, writers and dramatists in a supportive and intellectually stimulating environment to develop their work and to foster connections with the wider literary community. If you’re interested in the MA in Creative Writing, for further details see https://www.dcu.ie/courses/postgraduate/school-english/ma-creative-writing You can also contact programme chair Dr. Darran McCann (darran.mccann@dcu.ie), or for specifically poetry-related questions, Dr. Kit Fryatt (kit.fryatt@dcu.ie).

NUI Galway
The MA in Writing is a one-year full-time course intended for committed writers. It is not called an MA in "Creative Writing" because the course covers forms of writing in addition to fiction and poetry. The MA in Writing synchronizes with the Department's current postgraduate offerings (MA in Literature & Publishing and MA in Drama & Theatre Studies). This MA thus builds on existing strengths at NUI Galway in the diverse arts of writing for page and stage, screen and daily papers. 

Oscar Wilde Centre for Irish Writing, School of English, Trinity College Dublin
Focusing on the practical business of writing, rewriting and editing, the programme also includes an introduction to the publishing industry, a series of lectures by established writers in a wide range of genres, and the opportunity to take one of the specialised options offered to students on the M.Phil. in Anglo-Irish Literature.

Queen's University Belfast
This MA in Creative Writing course is designed to equip students to use their literary talents to the best of their ability, to encourage their development as independent writers and self-reflective lifelong learners, and to provide them with a broad understanding of the literary marketplace and of the commercial aspects of literary production.

University College Cork
The UCC MA in Creative Writing encourages students to be curious about literature, to pursue creative excellence and to develop their writing in a university atmosphere. The course as a whole encourages and supports a full exploration of the creative self while also maintaining a strong vocational emphasis.

University College Dublin
The MA in Creative Writing is a one year course of lectures, seminars, workshops and supervision meetings which aims to provide committed writers with taught classes on theories and practices of writing, and supervision of a major writing project.

University of Limerick
This one-year programme enables students to develop their skills in creative writing through careful consideration of the work of established writers; through study of the elements and formal structures of a piece of creative writing; through assignments that enable students to employ and master strategies for revision and refinement of their work; and through an understanding of the requirements of the submission and publication process.

Maynooth University
The MA in Creative Writing combines workshops and seminars with one-on-one mentoring of writing projects. Students may take optional modules in literature or other creative modules from across the Faculty, such as Writing for Screen Media. Assessment is through shorter pieces of writing, such as craft essays and reflective journals, and a longer project. The MA, taught by award-winning, internationally-renowned writers, will focus on guiding each student to further develop their voice as a writer, as well as to enrich their existing interests as a writer with new perspectives and a grasp of stylistic approaches.

University of South Wales
A 2-year part-time Master’s Degree for writers of fiction and poets. A unique flexible-learning scheme which offers students the opportunity to develop their book-length manuscript under the expert guidance of University tutors and prize-winning writers.