Dodging the Rain Submission Call
Dodging The Rain is an art and literary journal committed to representing a variety of new work by emerging writers and artists. It provides an internet platform that showcases writers and artists worldwide. It is published on the first of each month with a standing submission deadline of the 18th. Its editorial team welcomes all genres of literature and art and rejects any work promoting intolerance, hatred or fear. Contributors maintain ownership of and the right to republish their content. At this time, the journal is unable to offer contributors payment.
Submission guidelines
1. Maximum word count is 3,500, no minimum; you can submit up to 10 pieces of artwork or 10 poems.
2. Submit literature as an attachment in Word / format artwork using png/jpg.
3. In the submission document, include a brief third-person bio about you and your work.
4. Dodging the Rain is seeking poems with their own personality and voice, and forward-looking writing that experiments and challenges our preconceptions of poetry.
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