The Haibun Journal
The Haibun Journal is the only dedicated haibun literacy in print form at this time. The editors include: Sean O’Connor (Editor in Chief), Amanda Bell and Kim Richardson (Assistant Editors). We expect the journal to be of approx. 70 printed pages, of a high production standard, printed in Ireland and posted internationally.
Submission Guidleines:
- Submit up to three haibun per issue.
- There will be no restrictions of the length of submissions of haibun.
- Send work not under consideration elsewhere.
- If your submission contains a haiku that has been already published please indicate the publication details.
- Please state in the subject line: THJ, your name, where you live and the date, eg. THJ, Mary Smith, Cork, Ireland, 01/02/2019.
- Please place the work in the body of the email and do not send attachments - they will not be opened.
- The cost will be €6 for a single copy. Multiple copies will cost €5 each.
Send submissions via email to Deadline: Submit work for the April issue during the month of January and during July for the October issue.