Working-Class Writing Archive

Do you write? You, or your granny?

Add your work to Dublin's first archive of working-class writing. 

Working-class communities have been writing poetry and stories long before our writers became part of the mainstream Irish literary landscape. We're now collecting this work into an accessible online archive, funded by the Arts Council and supported by Poetry Ireland. This website will be arranged as a map of Dublin showing the literary legacy and output of different areas. 

This archive would love to hear from you if:

• You've ever been part of a writers' group, community project, adult literacy or education group in a working-class area that put out a pamphlet, collection or book. 
• You've kept papers from someone in your family who wrote creatively. 
• You've been collecting writing, memories or artistic work from your community. 
• You're a writer in any form who identifies as working class and you'd like to contribute your work to the archive. 

Get in touch with Emma or Sophie at
• or call Emma on 0852313010

The archive can arrange digitisation of papers and books from anywhere in Dublin. Video and audio recordings are also very welcome. 

Follow the project on Twitter: @workingarchive and Instagram @workingclasswritingarchive